I really liked the segments on peer editing because that is something that I am not very good at that I need to learn to do as a teacher. I tend to sugar coat my peer editing because I don't want to hurt anyones feelings, but that's a problem because teachers don't need to do that. Teachers should cut to the chase, but in a positive manner, to better their students writing skills.
Peer editing can be exceptionally difficult when you are peer editing your friends/classmates work because you don't want to hurt their feelings or have anyone get mad at you. I have always had problems with that because I don't want to make anyone upset with me. I learned that it is okay to edit, as long as you are constructive critiquing and not just being flat out rude about it, you don't want to be a Mean Margaret! As stated in the What Is Peer Editing? video and Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial, there are three simple steps to peer editing, and they are: compliments, suggestions and corrections. I think that if you follow those steps, they will lead to a successful edit and you should not end up with anyone upset with you.
I enjoyed Paige Ellis'Blog Assignment #12! I thought she made a lot of great points about peer editing. She mentions that to be effective it takes practice to master this skill, and I couldn't agree with her more! Peer editing can be hard, especially when the ones that you are critiquing happen to be your friends. I think you should just step back and view it in a professional manner.
For my editing in the future, I will critique to my best ability in a positive manner. I may do it publicly on their blog post, but I may also do it in private, either in a e-mail or text message. If I am editing someones paper in class, I will write all my suggestions and comments then discuss why I did what I did. That way they know what mistakes they made and they also have suggestions how how to fix them.
I couldn't agree more! I feel the same way when it comes to peer editing. Like you said, I too "tend to sugar coat my peer editing because I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings." I liked the segments on peer editing too because I don't feel as if I am good at it either and peer editing is something we do need to learn if we want to be teachers. This was a great post and your background is super cute! The only suggestion I could make is to add an extra line break when separating your paragraphs. I think a whole blank space between your paragraphs would make reading a lot easier. Other than that, great job!