Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blog Post #11


I really enjoyed Kathy Cassidy's approach to technology. She is always trying to incorporate technology in her classroom because she has noticed that kids love using it. She thinks that technology and kids come hand and hand. Each individual student in her class has their own blog and they blog frequently. Even though it is only one sentence, the kids enjoy getting their thoughts out there. They love to blog because they get to see different people from different places comment on their blog post and they also get to see how their writing improves throughout the year. She has the blog set up to where the kids can see where from the world people are who view their blog. I think that having kids blog is an great tool and I would like to use that in my own classroom. It's awesome that the students get so engaged in blogging and that they can see themselves improving. There are many benefits for using technology in the classroom for young students. It is great to start them out at a young age, because then they would grow up using it and learn how to use these tools early in life. I really enjoyed listening to Kathy Cassidy's view on technology and I plan to use some of her ideas in the future.


  1. Hi Calah! I enjoyed reading your blog post. You pointed out the same key points I did about Mrs. Cassidy's way of teaching. I agree with you when you said that our children should learn technology at an early age. This will help them later in their lives. Good job!

  2. "I really enjoyed listening to Kathy Cassidy's view on technology and I plan to use some of her ideas in the future." What ideas will you use?
